Welcome to TEARS TEDDY!

Thank you for visiting TEARS TEDDY.
When I stare at their faces, our eyes meet, feel like they are calling me.
I brought them home one by one, in some time they gather a bunch.
I brought home not only their amiable looks, but also the heart of the creator.

There are many precious people that remind me of ghappy tearsh even in the time I feel like shedding gsad tearsh. The teddy bears are actually the reminder of these people. The time that I spend with the teddy bears leads me to the strength to bring the gsad tearsh to ghappy tearsh.
I am delighted to introduce the gTEARS TEDDYh =hTeddy Bear as Partnerh. Through these teddy bears, I wish you can spend the warm time with them.
Please have a wonderful moment.
